Being Architect: movie

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Being Architect
The film relates to an ongoing collaboration between ´Resilient Vejle´ and Aarhus School of Architecture. It is based on a participatory workshop with Bachelor students in December 2015,
where the former ticket hall of the station was transformed into a temporary and on site design space. The goal was to generate and illustrate ideas for a transformation of dysfunctional Vejle Railway station
and its infrastructure in order to raise attractivity of public transport. The method to activate and integrate users and people from Vejle not only by interviews but in a discourse on different design proposals
went beyond the specific assignment and gave a fresh idea and perspective in the design and transformation of public spaces and buildings in general.

Publikationsdatojul. 2016
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2016

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
