A method for the realization of complex concrete gridshell structures in pre-cast concrete

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This paper describes a method for the design and fabrication of complex funicular structures from discrete precast concrete elements. The research proposes that through the integration of digital form finding techniques, computational file-to-fabrication workflows and innovative sustainable concrete casting techniques, complex funicular structures can be constructed using prefabricated elements in a practical, affordable and materially efficient manner. A recent case study is examined, in which the methodology has been used to construct a pavilion. Custom written dynamic relaxation software was used to define the overall form and successive algorithms then defined each component’s unique geometry, unrolled into flat shapes, and nested all parts into cut-files. PETG Plastic sheets were 2-Dimensionally laser cut and folded to produce the unique casting molds. The case study was carried out in collaboration between the Aarhus School of Architecture and the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Basic research in casting techniques defined the framework for the design process, and a custom written dynamic relaxation software application became the primary form-generating tool in the design process of a constructed pavilion. Fabrication and construction constraints were embedded within the design of both the overall structure and its components. Finite Element Analysis [FEA] was completed in order to verify the form-finding results, to ensure structural stability, and to direct adjustments of the structure during the design process.
The constructed pavilion case study, constructed in a very short time, for low cost and with relatively unskilled labor demonstrates that the integration of algorithmic form-finding techniques, CNC fabrication workflows and the use of innovative PETG folded mold techniques enables the practical realisation of freeform funicular structures in pre-cast concrete.
TitelSynthetic Digital Ecologies : Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the association for computer aided design in architecture (ACADIA)
RedaktørerMark Cabrinha, Jason Kelly Johnson, Kyle Steinfeld
Antal sider8
UdgivelsesstedUnited States of America
ForlagThe Printing House Inc, WI
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-62407-267-3
StatusUdgivet - 2012
BegivenhedAcadia: Synthetic Digital Ecologies - UCL, San Francisco, USA
Varighed: 18 okt. 201221 okt. 2012
Konferencens nummer: 32


BySan Francisco

Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

  • Nej
  • Acadia

    Egholm Jackson, O. (Deltager)

    18 okt. 201221 okt. 2012

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
