3D printing as a Ceramic Craft Tool in Its Own Right

Flemming Tvede Hansen, Priska Falin

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    In April 2016, four universities met for one week at the KAHLA
    Porcelain Factory to discuss the future of ceramics and, through
    workshops, explore the theme »shaping the future«. One of the
    workshops was focusing on 3D printing in clay and the concept
    of material driven 3D printing in clay. This article reports
    from and reflects on the experiments and discussions in this
    workshop and concentrates on 3D printing in clay from the
    perspective of studio practice in art and design. The main point
    of interest is in examining how a technology such as 3D printing
    can be utilised and seen as a new ceramic craft tool in its own
    right and how 3D printed ceramics can also be considered as
    handmade objects.
    TitelCeramics and its Dimensions : Shaping the Future
    RedaktørerMaarit Mäkelä
    Antal sider14
    UdgivelsesstedAalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
    ForlagAalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
    Publikationsdato26 nov. 2016
    AnsøgerAalto University
    ISBN (Trykt)978-952-60-7042-1
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-952-60-7041-4
    StatusUdgivet - 26 nov. 2016


    • Keramik
    • 3d printing
    • digital crafting
    • rapid manufacturing
    • experiment
    • kunsthåndværk

    Kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed (KUV)

    • Ja
