STAY HOME: The Home during the Corona Crisis - and after



The STAY HOME project will document experiences and initiatives and identify new insights and practices regarding the home, which have emerged during the Corona Crisis. Focusing on digital practices, daily life, reading habits and domestic violence the project trawls ethnographic archives collected by our collaborators.

Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation STAY HOME is conducted by a interdisciplinary team from the Faculties of Theology and Humanities (UCPH), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture (KADK) and the IT University of Copenhagen. The team will analyse ethnographic data in order to uncover insights that may benefit future homes and the life led there. The interdisciplinary approach is developed in an ongoing exchange with historical research into the home and its social, spatial, technological and existential implications conducted at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies.


Reports, exhibitions
Kort titelStay Home
Effektiv start/slut dato01/09/202031/08/2023