ParaWood – On-Site Parametric timber construction



This industrial PhD research investigates the architectural potential of on-site robotic fabrication, through development of workflows that enable direct links between architectural design and robotic fabrication. The research explores customised user interfaces for robotic fabrication in the context of timber construction, through a series of case studies that investigates architectural, procedural and fabrication potentials through a robotic visual feedback system. Through adaptive CNC machining or drawing based CNC manufacturing aided by Augmented Reality (AR), the research aims to support the construction and trades industry, while enabling architects to reconsider notions craft in relation to technology and the AEC industry.

The project presents an in-depth analysis of the current state of the art in robotic timber construction, which have led to the following hypothesis; We have seen a minimal knowledge transfer between architectural academia and the AEC industry, despite significant national and international research into robotics and automation within the field. The cause of this is identified to be related to the complexities of interacting with construction technologies – such as industrial robot arms.

This hypothesis will be mitigated through the successful identification of new interfacing mechanisms, while developing an associated intuitive interface that allows architects and other non-robotically trained professionals to engage with robotic technologies. What these mechanism and interface is, will be developed through interviews and conversations with professionals from design and build practices and the AEC industry.


Alternative interface mechanisms that enable for new design methods to arise allowing architects or carpenters to explore digital design space more freely.
Kort titelParawood
Effektiv start/slut dato01/04/201904/06/2023