Lev Vel



    Det overordnede formål for Lev Vel er at bidrage til håndtering af de specifikke samfundsmæssige udfordringer, der er forbundet med det aldrende samfund.
    LEV VEL is a strategic partner network about innovative solutions to societal problems within healthcare and welfare. The network includes companies, research institutions, municipalities and hospitals in public-private innovation alliances in the form of clubs and concrete innovation projects. The ambition is during a period of four years to develop a number of new innovative services and products with a potential for commercialization. The target group is the large group of senior people who wants to have an active life as long as possible. The projects include innovations within services, technological and organizational areas based on user centered processes. The partners are Icph, Alexandra Institute, the Danish Design School, IT-university Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen University and private and public institutions.
    Effektiv start/slut dato01/07/201030/06/2014