


The project explores how pervasive computing technologies can enhance sport experiences for amateur and elite athletes as well as the audience.
So far, the development of sports equipment has primarily been influenced by a wish to increase the quality of already known equipment. While, the surrounding society has experienced a wealth of new devices, services and ways of communicating, the world of sports world has barely been touched. In particular, children has grown accustomed to a different set of engagement and rewarding stimuli known from interactive games and mobile devices, therefore changing their expectation and perception of an inspiring environment.
The research focus of the project is kinesthetic interaction, pervasive mobile games and lightweight software components configured by the position and connection of physical tools for sports. The research results will be new tools and techniques for interaction, novel software architecture and new sports games and tools reflecting the IT enhanced products and environments.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/08/200730/06/2009


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