This project is part of Innomission 4, "Circular economy with a focus on plastics and textiles", which is directed toward full circularity in the Danish plastics and textiles sectors and one of four research and innovation missions that were appointed by the Danish government in September 2020. In the roadmap which outlines necessary initiatives for a circular turn, research about business models for the secondary market and how fashion design performs in the use phase is claimed to be of pivotal importance. Being distant from human needs which are key fundamental concepts behind value-creation in consumer theory, most current fashion designs are predestined to deliver little value (Fletcher & Tham 2019). To reverse this, the project relies on a user-centred approach to values and takes its point of departure in individualistic fashion life worlds to further the academic understanding of the types of values that are created among users and garments in the fashion resale market while simultaneously providing examples of what fashion design that generates resale value actually is.
Kort titel | Value-creation on the Fashion Resale Market |
Akronym | VFRM |
Status | Igangværende |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 01/09/2022 → 31/08/2025 |
- fashion
- fashion and textiles
- strategic design
- circular economy
- resale
- value-creation
- user research