BSR Innovation Express 2015 - Bridging the gap between construction, IoT, and 3D printing - 5134-00013

  • Lund, Maggie Xiao Yan Jiang (Projektansøger)
  • Ricardo Leal da Silva, Wilson (Projektleder, organisatorisk)
  • Hermund, Anders (Projektdeltager)



This project aims at promoting communication between construction and high-tech industries to bridge an existing knowledge gap hindering the uptake of IoT and 3D printing by the construction industry in a large scale. Rapid manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, commonly used in the automotive industry, is yet to see its way to a massive application in the construction industry. Similarly, the IoT is taking over home appliances and will be integrated in almost anything in the future. This technology could be embedded into buildings to improve energy-efficiency management and live monitoring of structures. At present, IoT and 3D printing are a trendy topics that captivates experts from the construction business. However, civil engineers and architects still have to figure out the best way to use these technologies. Hence, it is important that construction experts share knowledge with high-tech experts so 3D printing and IoT can be better understood and explored effectively. As a result, new ideas will occur in the interface between the involved sectors, creating a market focused on high-tech construction.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/03/201630/06/2017