Billede af Olga Popovic Larsen

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


My research is cross-disciplinary and closely connected to practice, with projects exploring the crossover between aesthetics and structural/material efficiency. I have a strong interest in innovative use of both traditional and new materials as wood and bio-composites, also, technologies, seeking ways of how the artistic and technological can inform each other to create new objects, products, structures and buildings. More specifically, projects include Reciprocal Frames, Gridshells, Tensegrities investigating design and construction aspects. My research is deeply rooted and supported by sustainable approaches including design for disassembly, transformability, adaptability and reuse.


  • Bygningskunst
  • Innovative bæredygtige træ konstruktioner
  • “Reciprocal Frame” arkitektur
  • Nye organiske bio-baserede materialer i arkitekturen
  • Arkitektur til nødberedskab
  • Tværfaglige designprocesser
  • Tilpasningsdygtige byggeelementer, konstruktioner og bygninger