Intet billede af Jettie van Lanschot

Jettie van Lanschot

Cand.scient.cons., Studielektor Emeritus


Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil



2006. Cand.scient.cons., School of Conservation. Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

1984.  Conservation technician, School of Conservation. Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

1982. Laboratory technician

Former empolyment:

1986-2006.        Research assistant and conservation technician. School of Conservation. Royal Academy of Fine Arts

1989.                 Conservation technician. Moesgård Museum, Århus

1985 – 86.         Conservation technician. The Danish National Museum

1984.                 Conservation technician.  Møntergården, Odense

Supplemental education

2002.                 Course on conservation/restauration of metal sculptures. Haute école d’arts appliqués du canton de Neuchâtel, Swiss.

1997.                 Symposium on Low Vacuum SEM Symposium, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

1988-1995.        Several courses on corrosion- and material science. Technical University (DTU) Lyngby.

Scientific focus areas

  • Investigation of conservation treatments applied to metals. Especially the application electrochemical methods and research in the application of inhibitors for metals.

  • Investigation of a broad selection of materials with microscopy and SEM-EDX.  The materials investigated include waterlogged wood, cross sections of paintings and metals.


  • Analyse og nedbrydning
  • elektrokemisk måling
  • korrosion
  • Konservering
  • metal
  • Materialer
  • metal