Intet billede af Annelies de Smet

Annelies de Smet

Arkitekt, Gent, Belgien, Sint Lukas Architectuur


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Personlig profil


Education experience on practice based research activities / and tests: 

2010.09.27-2011.01.14 Initiator and Tutor of the Design exercise ‘Echo’.
'Echo’  is a method study and dialogue with students based on the research project  presented in ‘uitwaaien’ In collaboration with Mira Sanders, Master 1 + 2 Architecture, Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, Brussels (B).

2010.03.24/26 Concept & organisation of study trip to Copenhagen [pyblik] + reader 

2009.11.05-2010.05.11 Concept, program and organisation of the cultural agenda  [pyblik] + Bozar (on sustainability in Public Space).Invited guest lecturers: Jan Ghel (DK); Justin Bennett (UK); Tractor, Pierre Vanderstraeten, Denis Dujardin, Dag Boutsen (BE); Christian Nolf and Isabelle Putseys, (OSA, KUL, BE)