
Companies are growing light and durable packaging from mycelium that is easy to compost. Another team in Europe is creating a fungal home, which will sense when it’s dark and switch the lights on. And researchers in the UK are developing strains of fungi that won’t just replace plastic, but eat it as well.

Produced and presented by Claire Bates



'People fixing the world' is a regular podcast produced by the BBC reporting on brilliant solutions to the world’s problems. We meet people with ideas to make the world a better place and investigate whether they work.

Periode8 dec. 2020




  • TitelBuilding with Fungi
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational
    Mediets navn/udløbBBC - People Fixing the World
    Varighed/længde/størrelse23 minutes
    BeskrivelseCompanies are growing light and durable packaging from mycelium that is easy to compost. Another team in Europe is creating a fungal home, which will sense when it’s dark and switch the lights on. And researchers in the UK are developing strains of fungi that won’t just replace plastic, but eat it as well.

    Produced and presented by Claire Bates
    Producer/forfatterClaire Bates
    PersonerPhil Ayres