Research Proposal for Architecture and the Built Environment

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


The first year of a PhD project is to a large extent dedicated to the elaboration of the research design. The research problem and research questions must be formulated, a tentative conceptual model must be formulated, and the approach to answering the research questions must be outlined. The function of the research design is to ensure that the evidence obtained enables us to answer the initial question(s) as unambiguously as possible. The course introduces themes in research design for architecture and the built environment. Based on these introductions each candidate’s initial research proposal will be discussed and partly rewritten and/or elaborated. The course is mandatory/’strongly advised’ for all PhD-students as part of the ‘Research and discipline-based competences and skills’.
Periode2 okt. 20174 dec. 2017
PlaceringDelft, HollandVis på kort