open room 2015

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed Organisation af og deltagelse i konference


Our life is filled with technologies: who would like to miss the communication systems, the medical technologies or many of our daily ´helpers´ which evolved during the last decades ? Many technologies are supposed to improve our life. But the majority of these technologies are based on the consumption of non-renewable energy and the involved pollution produces high stress to our climate with strong consequences for inhabited areas and global food security. Even ´green technologies´ are in need for mining rare resources and this has regionally a highly destructive impact. So is our way of implementing and using technologies destroying the basis of our life ? Will there be new or ´better´ technologies that can prevent or even repair this destruction ? Or can we expect a setback for our civilization forced by environmetal forces we can neither imagine nor control ? Is there a valid position between the extreme poles of technophobic Neo-Luddism and the technophile belief in neverending technological progress ? This ´open room´ discusses these question on different scales: After an introduction, German scientist and governmental adviser Dr. Harald Ginzky reflects critically with his lecture ´Climate Engineering - effective climate protection or megalomania?´ on large scale ´geo-engineering´ which is increasingly discussed as an escape strategy against already visible consequences of climate change. Professor Walter Unterrainer with his lecture ´technology is the answer, but what was the question ?´ challenges the notion of ´smart buildings´ and ´smart cities´ which pretend to make the built environment more sustainable. What smartness do we need and where do we find it ? Dr. Harald Ginzky works for the German Federal Environment Agency. He is one of the authors oft he study ´Geo Engineering- effective climate protection or megalomania ?´
Periode26 maj 2015
PlaceringAarhus AAA, DanmarkVis på kort