EAAE Project Leader and Council Meeting

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Præsentation og oplæg om EAAE projekt: "1:1:One-to:One"

Præsentation og diskussion af EAAE projektet "1:1- one:to:one" og EAAEs fremtidige formidlingsstrategi. Om "1:1- one:to:one": 1:1 - one:to:one is a new publication and venture for the Association which has for a long time harbored a wish to publish a peer reviewed magazine or a series of books that deal with various current themes in depth. 1:1 - one:to:one is to be published annually. Containing interviews, scientifically peer-reviewed papers, reports and opinion pieces, each volume will have a particular character within the framework of the series, to be distributed to schools of architecture and their libraries around the world. 1:1 - one:to:one is scheduled to appear for the first time in 2012. It will feature discussion, investigation into architecture and contemporary culture and leading architects, theoreticians and historians from around the world. Focusing primarily on education and research, it will also be the voice of young and upcoming architects (many of whom are also teachers) and a platform for discussion about the future of architecture. Call for papers, Volume 1: CHANGE? The guiding theme of Volume 1 will be 'change?'. In a world of ever more distraction and news, change has become an omni-present buzzword: climate-change, regime-change, change we can believe in, change we can hope for... Whether it is the environment, our resources or our economic system, we are constantly told that we have to change our ways in order to prepare for changes that are coming. Change has become the categorical imperative of our time. In Volume 1 of 1:1 - one:to:one we ask what this means for architecture and for architectural education. What are the most important changes we should make, which are the values we should insist on preserving? Where should we react to trends and forces outside our control, how can architecture itself contribute to shape our changing society?
Periode2 sep. 2013
Sted for afholdelseUnknown external organisation


  • arkitekturformidling
  • teori
  • praksis
  • undervisning
  • EAAE
  • Change
  • arkitektur
  • visuel kultur