Digital Crafting in the field of Ceramics: at "Shaping the Future" workshop and seminar

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    In spring 2016 Ceramics and its Dimensions:Shaping the Future sub-project organised a student workshop at the KAHLA Porcelain factory in Germany. In the workshop twenty students from four different Universities were invited to work together in a factory setting. The workshop included lectures and demonstrations concentrating mainly on the topics of 3D printing.

    The aim was to explore the current and future possibilities of ceramics as a material and a craft. Students had wonderful opportunities to explore all the processes that Kahla Porcelain factory offered along with new 3D printing technology. From KADK Flemming Tvede Hansen was invited to give demonstrations in 3D printing in clay and a lecture about his own practice based research in the field.

    The lecturer is presenting: The approach for the ceramic artist in this context based on the concept that the potential and complexity of a material can only be experienced through crafting, - and that this approach contributes to a particular way of developing form with a special attention to material and texture in the design product.The field of research deals with the interplay between ceramic material and digital technology, and is inspired by McCollough's (1996) idea concerning a close connection between the use of digital tools and craft practice. This is all about how hand and brain activities associated with digital technology can be analogous to practical activities where experiential and tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1966, 2009) is involved. McCollough suggests that digital technology should be much more developed from the designer's perspective to use this tacit knowledge.Thus, the research is about the relationship between crafting materiality and digital representation, and how experiential knowledge of crafts rooted in ceramics can be transformed and utilized in the use of digital technologies. In the research, I see digital technology as a material in its own right that can be utilized for designing generative systems that can be explored interactively by the involvement of the body. Hand gestures, body movements or even the voice can form the basis for interaction with a digital responding system. Here, the material properties, rules and forces are not bound to natural laws, but the potential and complexity of the digital “material” is experienced on the same basis of experiential and tacit knowledge as the ceramic artist. Such generative systems can be utilized by the ceramic artist for capturing geometries that subsequently can be 3d printed directly in ceramics.
    Periode8 apr. 2016
    Sted for afholdelseKAHLA Porcelain factory in Germany, Tyskland


    • Ceramics
    • 3d printing
    • rapid manufacturing
    • digital crafting
    • Experiment
    • Kunsthåndværk